• Out door life

    Just feel about freshing air in outside of your house.

  • Group activities

    Keep in touch with your friends or some one with group activity.

  • Sports

    Just play some sports with your friends.

  • Fruit

    Fruit make you fresh and have a good health with more vitamin

  • Smile

    Just smile, you will see different better world.

วันพุธที่ 7 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2563

The Truth About Using Onion Juice For Hair Growth And Thickness

Growing hair is very hard. For a lot of reasons. One of the biggest reasons why we get frustrated and usually give up on our hair, even if we spend a lot of money and effort on its growth, is the fact that it is such a slow endeavor.

Hair grows at a turtle-like pace.

But that being said, all hope is not lost. So if you've been experiencing any form of hair loss, you'd be happy to know that there's an all-natural solution that can help. Yes, one of the best ways to go about this problem, the problem of weak hair or hair that is slowly but surely starting to thin, is to use onions.

It might sound weird and bizarre at first, but there are some real benefits of onions for your hair growth. Below we will instruct you on how to use onion juice for hair growth.

But first, let's look at the amazing benefits of using onion juice in your hair.

Both users and hair professionals agree, that when used on a consistent basis, you can experience so amazing benefits to your hair. Keep in mind that this is not a one-time usage but rather regular application over several weeks.

Here are some interesting facts related to onion juice and hair growth:

1. Onions are rich in dietary sulfur - And hair follicles need sulfur to regenerate.

Sulfur also has an additional benefit in that it makes the hair stronger. Stronger hair means less hair breaking and more stability

2. Onion juice is rich in many antioxidants. All those antioxidants will help your hair stay strong, as well as stop it from turning gray.

3. Another great benefit of onion juice is its ability to fight bacteria. With enough onion juice use, you will get rid of all those unnecessary bacteria that swirl around your hair from day to day.

4. Onion Juice helps to improve blood circulation in your scalp.

And you may or may not know that to grow strong hair with stable follicles, you need good blood circulation.

Now that we've looked at some of the benefits of using onion juice in your hair, we can then move on to the application aspect of the remedy.

So here's what you'll need:

1. Two to three large onions

2. An essential oil of choice.

3. A blender

4. A small strainer or cheesecloth

5. Small container to pour the juice.

6. A ball of cotton.

Here's How To Prepare Your Onion Juice Mixture

Step 1

Peel the onions and chop them into small pieces. Blend the small pieces until you have a mixture that is almost firm.

Step 2

Place the strainer over a bowl or container. Pour the blended mixture into the strainer and use a spoon to press it down to get all the juice out into the container underneath.

Step 3

Add a few drops of essential oil such as lavender or peppermint to help mask the smell of the onions.

Step 4

Use a small piece of cotton and dip it in the onion juice. Divide your hair so that the areas of your head that are low in hair get exposed.

Apply the juice all over your head, but be sure to pay special attention to the places on your head where the hair is its thinnest.

Step 5

Cover your head with a shower cap and let the remedy sit in for at least one hour.

Step 6

Once the time is up, wash your hair with a mild organic shampoo and rinse well with warm water.

And that's it!

For best results, use this onion juice remedy at least 3 times per week for at least 4-6 weeks. This remedy is very effective but you must be consistent over a period of time. The only downside is that it is time-consuming.

But if you do have time on your hands, this is definitely a remedy that should be a part of your weekly hair care routine.

For more ways to use onion juice for hair growth make sure to check out this article.

You'll discover 3 more ways that you can use this highly effective hair growth remedy to maximize your results in the shortest time possible.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Stacey_L_Williams/318006


วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2563

5 Ways To Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome Working From Home

As the number of individuals working from home continues to rise so does the amount of time working remotely at a computer screen.

The extra time spent on a computer, whether it be at a desktop, tablet, e-reader or cell phone, is creating more potential for eye related issues. This can lead to what is known as Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS. An improperly positioned device can bring on CVS, resulting in eye dryness, irritation, a loss of concentration and an overall negative impact on work performance.

This occurs for several reasons. First, significant muscular effort is required to sustain clear vision at close working distances. Over hours, the visual system simply experiences muscular fatigue. Secondly, sustained close work also commands tremendously focused attention and can result in perceptual tunneling that increases distractibility and reduces attention span.

Finally anyone working at a computer has impaired blink function. The blink produces moisture and is an essential component of how the eye takes care of itself. Regular blinking occurs about 15 times per minute. However, studies indicate blinking only occurs about 5 to 7 times per minute while using computers and other digital screen devices. Less moisture on the eye's surface can cause blurring of vision, watering, and burning of the eyes.

Here then are five ways to combat Computer Vision Syndrome and maintain optimal eye health.

1. Position the viewable area of the screen a little below the line of sight. Assuming good ergonomics at the desk and chair, the computer should be positioned for a slightly downward gaze.

The lightly downward gaze is easier on the eye than looking straight across or viewing upwards.

It helps bring the eyelid down and helps eliminate the chances of being affected by drafts, especially when an air conditioning unit is in the room. It helps protect against dryness. In addition, proper screen position promotes good posture with both feet flat on the floor.

2. Eliminate or reduce screen glare. Light toxicity or discomfort can result from too much glare. It can impact one's ability to perform their normal job function. A good test is to place a folder over your head as you look at your work terminal. If it becomes easier to read with the folder than the user may have problems with discomfort and disability glare.

Glare can be reduced by placing a screen on the computer terminal. Anti glare coating on eyewear can also help.

3. Minimize exposure to blue light. As computers become more modern and sophisticated, so does exposure to blue light. This type of light has immediate consequences including impact on long term macular health, the part of the eye that processes 20-20 vision. Also blue light can impair the sleep cycle. Filters and coatings can help reduce blue light exposure.

4. Allow for workstations to enable peripheral vision. Workstations should be built to permit ambient visual stimulation or eye activity going on in peripheral vision. Vision performs best when it is exposed to a full range of visual stimulation not just one type while blocked from seeing others.

5. Take breaks. To best prevent computer related eye stress, users should maintain mindfulness about blinking, position screens in the right spot, avoid multiple screens, and take breaks. Getting up, moving around, and perhaps mild stretching or rotations of the arms, wrists, neck, and back, will help alleviate a high degree of eye stress and ensure a more productive work experience.

Dr. Mark Kahrhoff is a founder and principal with Complete Eye Safety and Complete Vision Care in St. Louis, MO. Complete Eye Safety is a unique physician-owned eye safety company providing not only premium quality ANSI-approved safety eyewear to customers around the US and the world but also physician-led education on visual performance, eye safety, and eye safety programs. For information on compliant safety eyewear, the optician-on-demand program, corporate vision safety programs, safety goggles, and fashionable safety eyewear for industrial and occupational safety use visit https://completeeyesafety.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dr._Mark_Kahrhoff/2836996


How I Got Rid Of My Migraine Headaches Without Supplements or Medications

Here is a short story of my migraine headaches, why I think I got them and what worked for me in eliminating these unbearably uncomfortable conditions after 7 years. I got them around age 25. They would start suddenly and put me to bed for 1 - 2 hours. Then they would dissolve and I'd begin to feel better again. I didn't get them too often: roughly once every 3 - 4 months. However, after 7 years of suffering from them, they seemed to be happening more frequently.

By now, I haven't had a headache for 10 months. I consider this to be a significant improvement.

Also, I'm not a doctor, so do take this advice at your own risk. But maybe someone reading this will find the ideas described in this article worth trying and perhaps even useful. I stumbled upon the solution quite accidentally, as I experimented with leaving out certain types of food from my diet and wanting to find out how it affected me.

I was looking to improve my skin conditions and digestion. For nearly 20 years I've suffered from minor rashes and skin eczema due to my inability to tolerate certain types of food. I've also had chronic diarrhea and therefore problems with absorbing the nutrients. Both of those ailments are something that my father has had as well, so I figured that it was something I'd never be able to change.

In addition I've been allergic since age 12. I've had hay fewer every spring once everything begins to bloom.

Trying to alleviate those symptoms on my own without the use of artificial human-made drugs or chemicals, I've always been a fan of natural remedies and self-help books. I've avoided taking any medications or supplements whenever possible. Instead, I've made changes to what I eat and have taken notes about my overall feeling or bodily reactions. To increase the chance of getting more reliable information, I've often eaten only 2 - 3 different foods for a fixed period of time. Over the years I've developed a better understanding and awareness of how specific foods affect my overall energy levels, digestion, as well as symptoms of food intolerance and allergy.

Due to my food intolerance symptoms I ended up eating lots of white bread, which would seem to give me least amount of skin rashes and eczema while providing the greatest sense of satiation. I knew that many allergic people felt better once they left out gluten-foods completely. But I enjoyed the sweet taste and crisp smell of fresh white bread so much, that it took nearly 10 years before I decided to try doing without it.

I enjoyed eating white bread on daily basis for years, as it seemed to be one of the few things that didn't cause too much skin issues. However, I didn't realize that I was slowly causing damage to my body in other ways. I had given up dairy products already in my teens, as these would give me the most symptoms and discomfort. Yet gluten-rich white bread remained my main dish along with buckwheat for a long period of time.

I decided to drop gluten completely a little less than a year ago. Already after 3 months later I began noticing significant positive changes to my skin, knee arthritis, digestion, hair loss. By the time 10 months have passed, the only two times that I've gotten milder symptoms of headaches were when I went to visit someone and chose to accept their offer of eating gluten-containing foods. Both of those times I developed milder headache within 24 hours of eating those foods. This made me even more aware of the effect that gluten has on my body.

Once in while, I still miss white bread. But once I remember the terrible headaches that I now no longer have, it is easier to look for satiation from alternative food sources. Instead I have substituted white bread with eating more cooked vegetables and fresh fruits. This does not give me headaches, while having even more healing effect on my skin, digestion and other minor bodily conditions that I've developed over the years and are most likely linked to my gluten-intolerance.

For the time being, one effective way to liberate myself from migraine headaches is to stay away from gluten.

NOTE: I have written a more in depth article on my blog, which shares more details about my migraine headaches and gluten intolerance.

The author of this text is a musician. If you are interested in hearing what his music sounds like, click here.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joonas_Kreen/1192950


Treatment of Headaches With Chiropractic Care

In order for us to continue the routines of our everyday life, and to make decisions that are important to us, we need to be able to think calmly. Headaches interrupt our ability to do this. Fortunately, most people only get headaches once in a while. However, some of us have chronic headaches that disrupt our routines, and our sleeping patterns. Chiropracty may be able to help.

What kinds of headaches can be treated with chiropracty?

There are three types of headaches that are amenable to chiropractic care:

1. Tension-induced headaches: These headaches result from muscular stress in the head, neck, or shoulders, and are located in specific areas of the head.

2. Migraine headaches: Migraines are usually felt on one side of the head, and are accompanied with an increased sensitivity to sound and light, and by nausea.

3. Cervicogenic headaches: These headaches originate in the spinal area of the neck, and spread forward to the head or face on one side of the body.

Studies reveal the efficacy of chiropractic treatment of headaches

Research has shown that manipulation of the spinal cord - the primary form of treatment of chiropractic doctors - can be effective for treating the three types of headaches described above.

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) published an article in 2011 that showed that spinal manipulation can ease cervicogenic headaches and migraines. And in 2014, JMPT published an article stating that chiropractic care interventions are helpful when treating chronic, acute neck pain.

Studies are continuing that show the effectiveness of chiropractic care in the treatment of chronic headaches.

How do chiropractors help treat headaches?

Chiropractic treatment methods can include:

Soft tissue therapy: targeted clinical massage of the area that is in pain.

Rehabilitation: expert delivery of painless passive and active care.

Manual therapy: procedures by which the hands directly contact the body for treatment.

Specialized modalities: acupuncture, electrical stimulation, ultrasound.

Co-management and Referral: collaboration of chiropractors with other doctors.

Lifestyle changes: advice on your nutritional and physical health

It is important for you to take chronic headaches very seriously. Consult a chiropractor if you have regular headaches, if you self-administer a pain-relieving drug for your headaches often, or if your headaches are worsening. Take prompt action if you experience a sudden and severe headache after a head injury, a fever, neck stiffness, numbness, weakness, or speech difficulty.

Your chiropractor will perform a thorough diagnosis to discover the source of your headaches. Once confirmed, specific chiropractic adjustments will be performed to the affected area in order to relieve the pain.

Visit the author's website, headaches17.info, for more info on headache types, causes, and cures. If you would like to read another article on this subject, see the author's article on Chiropracty and Headaches.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/David_Broadhead,_Ph.D./224683


How a Trampoline Can Help Improve Your Fitness

There are two main times of year when people contemplate their physical fitness: in the new year after the standard Christmas over eating and at the start of summer when people want to look their best on their beach holiday.

Starting out on the path to improving your physical fitness is a fantastic thing. You will look better, feel better and have better health. However you need to find a way to make a lifestyle of including exercise in your day-to-day routine.

The first port of call is usually to look into a gym membership. You will then most likely have to pay for direct debit for a yearlong membership. Gyms don't like you paying according to how much you use the facilities because the best way to retain people is to tie them into a long-term membership.

If you find that the gym isn't for you then you will end up paying for a year of membership you hardly use and not getting any further forward with your goals.

Some people prefer to do exercise at home and it may surprise you to know that trampoline exercise or rebounding provides a very effective method of cardiovascular fitness.

Research into trampoline exercise in a 2006 NASA research in the journal "Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine" supports says that rebounding is almost 70 percent more effective in fitness training than jogging for a same amount of time on a flat track.

People who have busy schedules can definitely use doing a more efficient form of exercise as they can get create a great caloric expenditure working on their fitness for the same amount of time and thus lose more weight.

Trampoline exercise is also a lower impact exercise on joints. This is because the impact of the acceleration and deceleration is absorbed by the bounce mat of the trampoline. If you are running on a hard surface like concrete then your joints will absorb more of the impact because there is less give. This means that if you exercise regularly on a trampoline as opposed to jogging it will cause less long-term damage to your joints and bones.

You will find that an 8ft round trampoline is the best option for families with young children. This is due to the fact that the kids can use it for play as well as the parents being able to perform their rebounding exercises.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mathew_Hampson/2255277


The Best Cardio for a Fat Free Life

Studies have shown that exercising for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week produces the most beneficial results. The thing is, that exercise can cover a huge range of activities provided that your heart rate is raised to a suitable level for your age and remains at that level for the majority of the exercise period.

So What Sort Of Cardio Exercise Should I Do?

This is the fun part - almost anything provided it is safe and follows the criteria for raising your heart rate. I like to mix it up, one day alternating fast walking with jogging in the park, another attending a folk dance class and so on. The simplest routine is one that is also highly effective - just going for a power walk, arms pumping at sufficient pace will provide a low impact route to stripping excess fat from your body. It's crucial to keep boredom at bay and to constantly push yourself just that little bit more. For these reasons, I advocate a class or new hobby that is both physical and fun. Some ideas include:






Dancing of all types








The possibilities are literally endless and half the joy comes from mastering a new skill which, in turn, boosts your new found confidence. Ideally, you would split your exercise routine into four or five sessions with one or two devoted to your new hobby or sport per week. Create a fitness plan for 4 weeks of exercise in a journal. That's roughly how long it takes for our bodies to truly absorb and begin to feel the benefit of healthy new habits.

Create a comments section to record your observations on how your exercise session went. It's here that you can really work on upping your motivation by praising yourself where necessary and by paying close attention to how YOU felt about your session.

Was it fun? Easier than last time? A little more than you expected? Note it all down and you'll start to see how you progress over the coming weeks. You can also create a space to suggest modifications for yourself or even just to write down which particular exercises really worked for you.

Remember, this is all about taking responsibility for your own body and the more you do this the stronger your motivation will be to do the right thing for yourself.

Victoria Johnson is Best Selling Celebrity Professional Trainer. Visit her web site at http://www.victoriajohnson.com and sign up for her Free Weekly E-mail Newsletter where thousands of people just like you are getting awesome product discounts and tons of fat blasting diet tips, body shaping exercises and flawless skin formulas every week!

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Victoria_Johnson/42519


Your Guide for an Aerobics Workout

Aerobics is an intense workout which gives you massive results, but only if you do it patiently and regularly. It's really important to dedicate your time and energy positively to attain the desired results when you start with such a workout regime. So, before starting with it, you need to remember a few important things which will help you during these sessions.

1. Precautionary measures

If you have any chronic medical conditions (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or arthritis) or any other risk factors (such as smoking or being overweight), and have not discussed exercising with your doctor, you should do so before starting out on your aerobics workout regime. Exercise is often an important part of the treatment for such conditions, but you may have some limitations or special needs that your doctor can inform you about. You may get hurt while doing some difficult steps during your aerobics workout, so it is necessary to discuss it with your doctor.

2. Must-Haves

Wear shoes that fit well and are capable of providing the right kind of support for your aerobics activity and comfort for your body type. Wear appropriate clothes for exercising. Make sure you always carry a Water bottle and Towel during your workout. Fabrics that absorb sweat are recommended. Women should wear supportive sports bras. But no one should EVER wear rubber or plastic suits or belts-these prevent your body from dissipating heat properly and can lead to serious health risks from overheating and dehydration.

3. Know your limits

It is inevitable if you experience a little amount of discomfort during your aerobics exercise - this way you push your body's limits.. Expecting to have some sore muscles after a vigorous workout is expected and you will feel the cramps for a day or two. But at the same time, you need to take care that if you are experiencing problems like pain or pressure in your chest or neck, shoulder or arm, or notice that your heart starts racing or beating irregularly during your aerobic exercise, it is best to immediately slow down. Allow your heart rate to drop gradually before stopping completely, since an abrupt stop can cause problems with blood circulation and sometimes, fainting. However, in cases of severe and sudden pain, stop immediately and seek help.

4. Enjoy your workout

After taking care of all the essentials and becoming aware of your body's limits, enjoy your workout to the fullest. Aerobics is a workout which is best enjoyed with great music. The workout always starts with simple stretching techniques; therefore, it is easy for anyone in the early stages to catch up with the steps. Initially, the steps are done with a set count, so it is effectively done if you follow your trainer's lead.

Don't waste a single second in pondering about how to go for an aerobics session, and start your workout right away.

Sameer Siddiqui has worth experience of writing for healthy workouts like Aerobics Workouts. Check out more fitness blogs and workout activities written by Sameer at fitpass.co.in/blog.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sameer_Siddiqui/2223337




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The Truth About Using Onion Juice For Hair Growth And Thickness

Growing hair is very hard. For a lot of reasons. One of the biggest reasons why we get frustrated and usually give up on our hair, even if w...

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