• Out door life

    Just feel about freshing air in outside of your house.

  • Group activities

    Keep in touch with your friends or some one with group activity.

  • Sports

    Just play some sports with your friends.

  • Fruit

    Fruit make you fresh and have a good health with more vitamin

  • Smile

    Just smile, you will see different better world.

วันอังคารที่ 29 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2563

5 Ways To Prevent Computer Vision Syndrome Working From Home

As the number of individuals working from home continues to rise so does the amount of time working remotely at a computer screen.

The extra time spent on a computer, whether it be at a desktop, tablet, e-reader or cell phone, is creating more potential for eye related issues. This can lead to what is known as Computer Vision Syndrome or CVS. An improperly positioned device can bring on CVS, resulting in eye dryness, irritation, a loss of concentration and an overall negative impact on work performance.

This occurs for several reasons. First, significant muscular effort is required to sustain clear vision at close working distances. Over hours, the visual system simply experiences muscular fatigue. Secondly, sustained close work also commands tremendously focused attention and can result in perceptual tunneling that increases distractibility and reduces attention span.

Finally anyone working at a computer has impaired blink function. The blink produces moisture and is an essential component of how the eye takes care of itself. Regular blinking occurs about 15 times per minute. However, studies indicate blinking only occurs about 5 to 7 times per minute while using computers and other digital screen devices. Less moisture on the eye's surface can cause blurring of vision, watering, and burning of the eyes.

Here then are five ways to combat Computer Vision Syndrome and maintain optimal eye health.

1. Position the viewable area of the screen a little below the line of sight. Assuming good ergonomics at the desk and chair, the computer should be positioned for a slightly downward gaze.

The lightly downward gaze is easier on the eye than looking straight across or viewing upwards.

It helps bring the eyelid down and helps eliminate the chances of being affected by drafts, especially when an air conditioning unit is in the room. It helps protect against dryness. In addition, proper screen position promotes good posture with both feet flat on the floor.

2. Eliminate or reduce screen glare. Light toxicity or discomfort can result from too much glare. It can impact one's ability to perform their normal job function. A good test is to place a folder over your head as you look at your work terminal. If it becomes easier to read with the folder than the user may have problems with discomfort and disability glare.

Glare can be reduced by placing a screen on the computer terminal. Anti glare coating on eyewear can also help.

3. Minimize exposure to blue light. As computers become more modern and sophisticated, so does exposure to blue light. This type of light has immediate consequences including impact on long term macular health, the part of the eye that processes 20-20 vision. Also blue light can impair the sleep cycle. Filters and coatings can help reduce blue light exposure.

4. Allow for workstations to enable peripheral vision. Workstations should be built to permit ambient visual stimulation or eye activity going on in peripheral vision. Vision performs best when it is exposed to a full range of visual stimulation not just one type while blocked from seeing others.

5. Take breaks. To best prevent computer related eye stress, users should maintain mindfulness about blinking, position screens in the right spot, avoid multiple screens, and take breaks. Getting up, moving around, and perhaps mild stretching or rotations of the arms, wrists, neck, and back, will help alleviate a high degree of eye stress and ensure a more productive work experience.

Dr. Mark Kahrhoff is a founder and principal with Complete Eye Safety and Complete Vision Care in St. Louis, MO. Complete Eye Safety is a unique physician-owned eye safety company providing not only premium quality ANSI-approved safety eyewear to customers around the US and the world but also physician-led education on visual performance, eye safety, and eye safety programs. For information on compliant safety eyewear, the optician-on-demand program, corporate vision safety programs, safety goggles, and fashionable safety eyewear for industrial and occupational safety use visit https://completeeyesafety.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dr._Mark_Kahrhoff/2836996


How I Got Rid Of My Migraine Headaches Without Supplements or Medications

Here is a short story of my migraine headaches, why I think I got them and what worked for me in eliminating these unbearably uncomfortable conditions after 7 years. I got them around age 25. They would start suddenly and put me to bed for 1 - 2 hours. Then they would dissolve and I'd begin to feel better again. I didn't get them too often: roughly once every 3 - 4 months. However, after 7 years of suffering from them, they seemed to be happening more frequently.

By now, I haven't had a headache for 10 months. I consider this to be a significant improvement.

Also, I'm not a doctor, so do take this advice at your own risk. But maybe someone reading this will find the ideas described in this article worth trying and perhaps even useful. I stumbled upon the solution quite accidentally, as I experimented with leaving out certain types of food from my diet and wanting to find out how it affected me.

I was looking to improve my skin conditions and digestion. For nearly 20 years I've suffered from minor rashes and skin eczema due to my inability to tolerate certain types of food. I've also had chronic diarrhea and therefore problems with absorbing the nutrients. Both of those ailments are something that my father has had as well, so I figured that it was something I'd never be able to change.

In addition I've been allergic since age 12. I've had hay fewer every spring once everything begins to bloom.

Trying to alleviate those symptoms on my own without the use of artificial human-made drugs or chemicals, I've always been a fan of natural remedies and self-help books. I've avoided taking any medications or supplements whenever possible. Instead, I've made changes to what I eat and have taken notes about my overall feeling or bodily reactions. To increase the chance of getting more reliable information, I've often eaten only 2 - 3 different foods for a fixed period of time. Over the years I've developed a better understanding and awareness of how specific foods affect my overall energy levels, digestion, as well as symptoms of food intolerance and allergy.

Due to my food intolerance symptoms I ended up eating lots of white bread, which would seem to give me least amount of skin rashes and eczema while providing the greatest sense of satiation. I knew that many allergic people felt better once they left out gluten-foods completely. But I enjoyed the sweet taste and crisp smell of fresh white bread so much, that it took nearly 10 years before I decided to try doing without it.

I enjoyed eating white bread on daily basis for years, as it seemed to be one of the few things that didn't cause too much skin issues. However, I didn't realize that I was slowly causing damage to my body in other ways. I had given up dairy products already in my teens, as these would give me the most symptoms and discomfort. Yet gluten-rich white bread remained my main dish along with buckwheat for a long period of time.

I decided to drop gluten completely a little less than a year ago. Already after 3 months later I began noticing significant positive changes to my skin, knee arthritis, digestion, hair loss. By the time 10 months have passed, the only two times that I've gotten milder symptoms of headaches were when I went to visit someone and chose to accept their offer of eating gluten-containing foods. Both of those times I developed milder headache within 24 hours of eating those foods. This made me even more aware of the effect that gluten has on my body.

Once in while, I still miss white bread. But once I remember the terrible headaches that I now no longer have, it is easier to look for satiation from alternative food sources. Instead I have substituted white bread with eating more cooked vegetables and fresh fruits. This does not give me headaches, while having even more healing effect on my skin, digestion and other minor bodily conditions that I've developed over the years and are most likely linked to my gluten-intolerance.

For the time being, one effective way to liberate myself from migraine headaches is to stay away from gluten.

NOTE: I have written a more in depth article on my blog, which shares more details about my migraine headaches and gluten intolerance.

The author of this text is a musician. If you are interested in hearing what his music sounds like, click here.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joonas_Kreen/1192950


Treatment of Headaches With Chiropractic Care

In order for us to continue the routines of our everyday life, and to make decisions that are important to us, we need to be able to think calmly. Headaches interrupt our ability to do this. Fortunately, most people only get headaches once in a while. However, some of us have chronic headaches that disrupt our routines, and our sleeping patterns. Chiropracty may be able to help.

What kinds of headaches can be treated with chiropracty?

There are three types of headaches that are amenable to chiropractic care:

1. Tension-induced headaches: These headaches result from muscular stress in the head, neck, or shoulders, and are located in specific areas of the head.

2. Migraine headaches: Migraines are usually felt on one side of the head, and are accompanied with an increased sensitivity to sound and light, and by nausea.

3. Cervicogenic headaches: These headaches originate in the spinal area of the neck, and spread forward to the head or face on one side of the body.

Studies reveal the efficacy of chiropractic treatment of headaches

Research has shown that manipulation of the spinal cord - the primary form of treatment of chiropractic doctors - can be effective for treating the three types of headaches described above.

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) published an article in 2011 that showed that spinal manipulation can ease cervicogenic headaches and migraines. And in 2014, JMPT published an article stating that chiropractic care interventions are helpful when treating chronic, acute neck pain.

Studies are continuing that show the effectiveness of chiropractic care in the treatment of chronic headaches.

How do chiropractors help treat headaches?

Chiropractic treatment methods can include:

Soft tissue therapy: targeted clinical massage of the area that is in pain.

Rehabilitation: expert delivery of painless passive and active care.

Manual therapy: procedures by which the hands directly contact the body for treatment.

Specialized modalities: acupuncture, electrical stimulation, ultrasound.

Co-management and Referral: collaboration of chiropractors with other doctors.

Lifestyle changes: advice on your nutritional and physical health

It is important for you to take chronic headaches very seriously. Consult a chiropractor if you have regular headaches, if you self-administer a pain-relieving drug for your headaches often, or if your headaches are worsening. Take prompt action if you experience a sudden and severe headache after a head injury, a fever, neck stiffness, numbness, weakness, or speech difficulty.

Your chiropractor will perform a thorough diagnosis to discover the source of your headaches. Once confirmed, specific chiropractic adjustments will be performed to the affected area in order to relieve the pain.

Visit the author's website, headaches17.info, for more info on headache types, causes, and cures. If you would like to read another article on this subject, see the author's article on Chiropracty and Headaches.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/David_Broadhead,_Ph.D./224683


How a Trampoline Can Help Improve Your Fitness

There are two main times of year when people contemplate their physical fitness: in the new year after the standard Christmas over eating and at the start of summer when people want to look their best on their beach holiday.

Starting out on the path to improving your physical fitness is a fantastic thing. You will look better, feel better and have better health. However you need to find a way to make a lifestyle of including exercise in your day-to-day routine.

The first port of call is usually to look into a gym membership. You will then most likely have to pay for direct debit for a yearlong membership. Gyms don't like you paying according to how much you use the facilities because the best way to retain people is to tie them into a long-term membership.

If you find that the gym isn't for you then you will end up paying for a year of membership you hardly use and not getting any further forward with your goals.

Some people prefer to do exercise at home and it may surprise you to know that trampoline exercise or rebounding provides a very effective method of cardiovascular fitness.

Research into trampoline exercise in a 2006 NASA research in the journal "Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine" supports says that rebounding is almost 70 percent more effective in fitness training than jogging for a same amount of time on a flat track.

People who have busy schedules can definitely use doing a more efficient form of exercise as they can get create a great caloric expenditure working on their fitness for the same amount of time and thus lose more weight.

Trampoline exercise is also a lower impact exercise on joints. This is because the impact of the acceleration and deceleration is absorbed by the bounce mat of the trampoline. If you are running on a hard surface like concrete then your joints will absorb more of the impact because there is less give. This means that if you exercise regularly on a trampoline as opposed to jogging it will cause less long-term damage to your joints and bones.

You will find that an 8ft round trampoline is the best option for families with young children. This is due to the fact that the kids can use it for play as well as the parents being able to perform their rebounding exercises.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mathew_Hampson/2255277


The Best Cardio for a Fat Free Life

Studies have shown that exercising for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week produces the most beneficial results. The thing is, that exercise can cover a huge range of activities provided that your heart rate is raised to a suitable level for your age and remains at that level for the majority of the exercise period.

So What Sort Of Cardio Exercise Should I Do?

This is the fun part - almost anything provided it is safe and follows the criteria for raising your heart rate. I like to mix it up, one day alternating fast walking with jogging in the park, another attending a folk dance class and so on. The simplest routine is one that is also highly effective - just going for a power walk, arms pumping at sufficient pace will provide a low impact route to stripping excess fat from your body. It's crucial to keep boredom at bay and to constantly push yourself just that little bit more. For these reasons, I advocate a class or new hobby that is both physical and fun. Some ideas include:






Dancing of all types








The possibilities are literally endless and half the joy comes from mastering a new skill which, in turn, boosts your new found confidence. Ideally, you would split your exercise routine into four or five sessions with one or two devoted to your new hobby or sport per week. Create a fitness plan for 4 weeks of exercise in a journal. That's roughly how long it takes for our bodies to truly absorb and begin to feel the benefit of healthy new habits.

Create a comments section to record your observations on how your exercise session went. It's here that you can really work on upping your motivation by praising yourself where necessary and by paying close attention to how YOU felt about your session.

Was it fun? Easier than last time? A little more than you expected? Note it all down and you'll start to see how you progress over the coming weeks. You can also create a space to suggest modifications for yourself or even just to write down which particular exercises really worked for you.

Remember, this is all about taking responsibility for your own body and the more you do this the stronger your motivation will be to do the right thing for yourself.

Victoria Johnson is Best Selling Celebrity Professional Trainer. Visit her web site at http://www.victoriajohnson.com and sign up for her Free Weekly E-mail Newsletter where thousands of people just like you are getting awesome product discounts and tons of fat blasting diet tips, body shaping exercises and flawless skin formulas every week!

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Victoria_Johnson/42519


Your Guide for an Aerobics Workout

Aerobics is an intense workout which gives you massive results, but only if you do it patiently and regularly. It's really important to dedicate your time and energy positively to attain the desired results when you start with such a workout regime. So, before starting with it, you need to remember a few important things which will help you during these sessions.

1. Precautionary measures

If you have any chronic medical conditions (such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or arthritis) or any other risk factors (such as smoking or being overweight), and have not discussed exercising with your doctor, you should do so before starting out on your aerobics workout regime. Exercise is often an important part of the treatment for such conditions, but you may have some limitations or special needs that your doctor can inform you about. You may get hurt while doing some difficult steps during your aerobics workout, so it is necessary to discuss it with your doctor.

2. Must-Haves

Wear shoes that fit well and are capable of providing the right kind of support for your aerobics activity and comfort for your body type. Wear appropriate clothes for exercising. Make sure you always carry a Water bottle and Towel during your workout. Fabrics that absorb sweat are recommended. Women should wear supportive sports bras. But no one should EVER wear rubber or plastic suits or belts-these prevent your body from dissipating heat properly and can lead to serious health risks from overheating and dehydration.

3. Know your limits

It is inevitable if you experience a little amount of discomfort during your aerobics exercise - this way you push your body's limits.. Expecting to have some sore muscles after a vigorous workout is expected and you will feel the cramps for a day or two. But at the same time, you need to take care that if you are experiencing problems like pain or pressure in your chest or neck, shoulder or arm, or notice that your heart starts racing or beating irregularly during your aerobic exercise, it is best to immediately slow down. Allow your heart rate to drop gradually before stopping completely, since an abrupt stop can cause problems with blood circulation and sometimes, fainting. However, in cases of severe and sudden pain, stop immediately and seek help.

4. Enjoy your workout

After taking care of all the essentials and becoming aware of your body's limits, enjoy your workout to the fullest. Aerobics is a workout which is best enjoyed with great music. The workout always starts with simple stretching techniques; therefore, it is easy for anyone in the early stages to catch up with the steps. Initially, the steps are done with a set count, so it is effectively done if you follow your trainer's lead.

Don't waste a single second in pondering about how to go for an aerobics session, and start your workout right away.

Sameer Siddiqui has worth experience of writing for healthy workouts like Aerobics Workouts. Check out more fitness blogs and workout activities written by Sameer at fitpass.co.in/blog.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sameer_Siddiqui/2223337


What Is the Best Cardio For Weight Loss?

While cardio plays an important role in weight loss, this should be combined with proper diet if the long-term benefits are still to be achieved and maintained. In fact the right diet is a key factor while trying to cut weight and improve your overall health. However, when it is combined with the right cardio exercises for weight loss as well as weight training programs, the combination will bear more fruits. So what is the best cardio for weight loss?

This will depend on your physical capabilities, personal preferences and limitations. If you are the type that loves jogging, you should go for a job. If walking is your thing, then you should walk. Whether it is playing basketball or a combination of different activities, you will need to choose an activity that is suited to your need. The key thing here is to ensure that you select an activity that you enjoy daily and ensure that you are consistent with it. You can expect to lose around 1 or 2 pounds every week. If you stick with this number in the long-term, you will definitively see success. Here are some other cardio activities that are worth considering.

Speed walking

This could be through indoor track, treadmill or even outside. One research concluded that overweight women who engaged in speed-interval walking workouts that lasted for 45 minutes for each session combined with weight training toning workouts for 4 times in a week were able to lose 23 pounds within a period of 16 weeks. You can walk in the evening and explore the new areas in your neighbourhood so as to keep the walk interesting and fun.


This is an exercise that we all understand. All you will need to do is to jog at your desired speed. Also ensure that you have the right footwear so that you do not get blisters.

Stationary bike

This is a key exercise for toning the legs on top of burning calories. As you exercise on a stationary bike, it is important to ensure that the machine has been set in enough resistance. This will help you to avoid peddling yourself off from the bike and if necessary, you can sprint.

Elliptical machine

You can start by setting the machine in a comfortable level and ensure that you continue in your own pace to ensure that you workout hard enough in a way that enables you to burn the right calories. Engaging in some short high intensity intervals for a period of 30 to 60 seconds will work very well and the exercise will enable you to sweat much. Ensure that you have 3 to 5 minutes of cooling down.


You can choose to shoot baskets on your own or you engage in a game with friends. Ensure that you remain constantly on the move, running to the court ends while using both baskets. For the best cardio to lose weight, contact Muscle Prodigy.

If you really want to learn best cardio workouts for weight loss, cardio exercise is only one part of a weight-loss plan. Here are some general cardio guidelines for weight loss.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Russell_Leggette/2276984


Regular Sessions in Cardiovascular Exercises

Regular sessions in the cardiovascular area improve the health of your heart and lungs. It also helps your heart and lungs to function properly; therefore it is called as "cardio."

Cardiovascular exercise promotes loss of body fat. Reducing the level of appetite in many individuals is useful. For people with diabetes who have well-controlled blood sugar levels in their veins, cardiovascular exercise is good for them. There are numerous of cardiovascular exercises that you can include in your daily schedule. Examples of the most well-liked cardiovascular training include Running, Biking, Cycling, Skipping, Aerobics, Walking, Jogging, Kickboxing, Swimming, and Team Sports.

Simple tips on cardiovascular exercise:

1. Decide Your Objectives: Why would you like to fuse cardiovascular exercise into your schedule? Are you looking for endurance? Want to run around with your kids without getting winded? Do you want to lose body fat and show off those muscles? Are you interested in cardiovascular fitness for health reasons? For heart health and to get lean, you do not need steady state cardio! However, if endurance is your goal, then you shall want to incorporate some of this into your week.

2. Pick Something You Enjoy: Explore your options for cardiovascular activities. Whether you prefer to be in a gym, at home or out-of-doors, there are plenty of choices for cardiovascular training. I enjoy being outside. What do you enjoy? Jumping rope? Sprints? Biking? Rowing? Elliptical? You will probably adhere to your workouts if you enjoy them.

3. Use Interval Training: Incorporate intervals into your training by alternating between low and high radiance throughout your workout. For example, you might sprint for 1 minute followed by a moment of walking. Do this five times each for a total of 10 minutes of interval training. Beginners alternate between striking and at a moderate pace. Add a 5-minute warm-up and 5 minutes cool down to complete your cardiovascular workout in 20 minutes with better results than your hour of steady state cardio!

4. Record Your Workouts: Keep track of your workouts so you can see what you accomplished. Use a notebook or create a file on your computer or phone. Tracking your progress is an essential step in achieving success.

5. Strength Training: Always do your cardiovascular workout following your strength work. It maximizes fat burn. For best results, incorporate full body circuit work as part of your strength training. Limiting rest between sets and moving quickly from exercise to exercise increases your heart rate as you build muscle. Combine strength training, cardiovascular work, and nutrition for optimal health.

6. Healthy Eating: Nutrition is the final component in achieving your fitness goals and the most important. Not only does food provide us with valuable nutrients and the fuel we need to survive, but the way we eat is also 90% of reaching our body composition goals. Use common sense when making food choices. Eat as cleanly as possible choosing from whole foods; i.e. whole grains, lean meats, poultry and fish, nuts, nut butter, and organic oils, as well as organic fruits and vegetables. Keep a food diary so you can see what is working and where you have to change your food intake to meet your objectives.

Benefits of cardiovascular exercise are:

There are numerous recommendations on health benefits of cardiovascular exercise. In addition to improving the health of your heart, regular cardiovascular exercise can help reduce saturated fats, pulmonary function and improve the development of bones and muscles. It also contributes to solving the problem of depression.

It is necessary to adequately plan for cardiovascular exercise so that all muscles and body functions can receive the benefits of extensive training. Plan your schedule for at least 30 to 60 minutes each day. Regular exercise will make your cardiovascular system stronger.

Cardio helps to improve the level of endorphins in the body. These chemicals make us feel good, energetic and lively. Even just twenty minutes of training can lead to an increase in long-term mood. Thus, it is possible to see that people choose to exercise early in the morning. Cardiovascular Exercise releases endorphins in the brain that can give you a natural stimulant, also known as high "corridor" "Cardio also helps with depression and stress decreases while increasing self-esteem.

The positive relationship between cardio and mood can improve sleep, although it is more than that. Cardiovascular exercise, especially in the afternoon or early evening makes body temperature to rises above normal. Over the next hour, before sleeping, body temperature decreases slowly. Keep in mind, however; that cardiovascular exercise stimulates the muscles, brain, and heart, and it can prevent sleep if too close to bedtime can.

The best cardio workout

The best cardio workout has to be one that forces your heart into a workout. Yes, the heart is a muscle, and it needs to be worked out. Aside from the function of training your heart to maintain health, the best cardiovascular workout should help you burn calories, which is needed to lose weight and burn fat. More accurately, it helps you to burn off that excess fat that is not only clogging your veins and decreasing your health but also covering and hiding all the precious muscles you have worked and built.

So the best cardio workout has to include a proper diet. Not dieting but rather healthy eating. Working out with the right intensity and watching your meals. Avoiding fats and sugary food, eating small and consistent meals.

Cardiovascular workouts do not have to be long and tedious. They should be short and exciting as you add interval training and circuit work into your program.

Find the Best Weight loss strategy [http://weightlossgist.com/], eBooks, Diet eBooks and great Health & Fitness Articles about exercises, strategies, guides, plans & tips on Weight Loss.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sonnie_McLemore/1730304


7 Keys to Good Health by Good Breathing

A very common slogan among asthma sufferers is "When you can't breathe, nothing else matters", alluding to the desperateness of one who can't inhale the life-giving air. Is life-giving air the full story on breathing? This article takes common breathing advice and gives reasons for its efficacy. It goes further and provides essential elements in breathing technique for better health.

Breathing is perhaps one of the most centrally integrated autonomous behaviours that reach well beyond a simple filling of the lungs. Garcia AJ writes in 2011:

"Breathing emerges through complex network interactions involving neurons distributed throughout the nervous system. The respiratory rhythm generating network is composed of micro networks functioning within larger networks to generate distinct rhythms and patterns that characterize breathing."

The outworking of Garcia's study can best be observed when a person is affected by strong emotions like fear & anger.

Mainstream advice for breathing is to override the autonomous control and consciously inhale deeply through the nose and exhale through the mouth slowly with pursed lips.

Dr Carla Naumburg PhD of 'Ready, Set, Breathe' fame suggests breathing exercises bring mindfulness into daily life. By remembering to breathe, a space is created to restore calm and reduce blood pressure and stress hormones so creating opportunity of situation control.

Professor Konstantin Buteyko (Russia 1923-2003) is credited for a technique characterised by slow and reduced breathing combined with spaced pauses of no breathing allowing Carbon Dioxide to build up to bursting point.

Breathing is a relevant component of the practice of Yoga. Yoga breathing techniques typically accompany either different poses or some form of meditation. Thus it is difficult to separate and ascribe the result to the breathing, poses or the meditation.

Pandit JJ, in 2003 tested 3 breathing techniques for optimum Oxygen uptake, as follows:

1. Three (3) minutes of tidal breathing

2. Four (4) deep breaths taken within 30 seconds

3. Eight (8) deep breaths taken within 60 seconds

The Oxygen uptake was the same for Items 1. & 3 and a higher efficacy than for Item 2. His work illustrates that breathing technique is important.

Enter Nitric Oxide (NO), a colourless gas with a half-life of merely seconds. Nitric Oxide (NO) was named "molecule of the year" in 1994 by Science Magazine.

In 1998 the Karolinska Institute awarded the Nobel prize to US pharmacologists Robert F. Furchgott, PhD, Ferid Murad, MD, PhD, and Louis J. Ignarro, PhD for their discoveries of the role of Nitric Oxide (NO) as being a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system.

NO relaxes the smooth muscle in arteries providing a larger flow area for blood, thus reducing blood pressure and bring more nutrients to where they are needed. The importance of NO in the human bodily functions cannot be overstated. Even though 1000's of research papers have been written, World research goes on. NO is implicated in heart health, lower blood pressure, better quality of sleep and even erectile dysfunction.

NO is produced in the sinuses, the biggest being the maxillary sinuses either side of the nose. They are closed chambers except for a small soft-tissue opening called the ossium which is open the olfactory airways.

There is no right or wrong way to breathe - the autonomous brain function sees to it that you get adequate oxygen into your system. However, there are ways to breathe to get maximum NO into your system. Here are 7 pointers to help get this amazing gas into your bloodstream.


Nose hair and constricted nose ducting ensure there is a negative pressure in the airways. This partial vacuum causes the sinuses to deliver a small amount of NO-laden air into your inhaled breath. The harder you breathe in the more NO the sinuses will deliver.


Blocking one nostril and in turn the other nostril will increase the partial vacuum to cause NO-laden air to be injected into your inhaled breath.


Close both nostrils and try to inhale. This creates the greatest amount of vacuum in your respiratory system allowing NO-laden air to be sucked from the sinuses. Of course you can only do this for a short time before resuming normal breathing.


NO needs time to be absorbed into your bloodstream. Accordingly it is good to hold your breath for as long as it is convenient. Alternatively exhale slowly to allow the lungs time to absorb the NO.


Lundberg et al showed in 2003 that humming increases exhaled NO by 700%. Other researcher found an even greater increase in exhaled NO during humming. Problem is that it is difficult to inhale while humming. Thus the sequence suggested is to hum for 3 seconds then immediately inhale..


To overcome the problem of simultaneously humming and inhaling, it is suggested to pretend to snore, making the sound as if you were snoring. The snoring sound frequencies are in the range of the maxillary sinuses natural frequencies approximately 110 to 350 Hz. Allowing the maxillary sinuses to resonate will pulse NO-laden air into the inhaled breath volume. Because snoring is an inhaling manoeuvre the NO will reach the lungs in greater volume.


During a descent procedure in an aeroplane headaches are often avoided by use of the Valsalva manoeuvre. This manoeuvre involves closing both nostrils while attempting to exhale until the ear drums 'pop'. This has the effect of pressurizing the sinuses which upon subsequent inhalation release the pressure and inject NO-laden air into the olfactory airways.


A. NO in the sinuses is a finite resource and can be depleted. How can it be replenished? Eat plenty of food rich in Nitrates eg Beetroot, Fenugreek, etc and give your body time to convert the Nitrates into NO.

B. Why not breathe in NO gas like they do for babies with pulmonary hypertension? The dosage of NO in a medical setting is carefully controlled. Exposure of animals to NO has caused drowsiness, unconsciousness and death.

C. Why not sit in a high traffic area and breathe in the NO produced by cars? Motor vehicle exhaust gases do contain NO. However, exhaust gases are a toxic cocktail of other gases such as Carbon Monoxide. The risk of poisoning far outweighs any benefits to be gained.

After about 5 years of buying women's wear from China, India, Thailand, Bangladesh and Indonesia we found a need to ensure supply is according to the following:

• No child labour

• No Azo dyes that cause cancer

• No harsh processing chemicals that hurt the environment.

• Fabric from renewable sources

• Natural fire retardant fabric

We went a little further, and asked ourselves the question:

What can we add to our range of clothing that enhances wellness in the wearer?

We came up with some surprising answers. Watch this space.



Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dr_Edward_Brell_PhD/752275


Chiropractic Care Is Cost-Effective For Back Pain Relief

Chiropractic care has repeatedly been shown to be cost-effective in giving back pain relief. There are numerous studies detailing this benefit. This article will discuss cost analysis of chiropractic treatment for lower back pain relief and will introduce a recent research study confirming benefits gained.

Many Americans suffer from low back discomfort. Some conditions are new and this is called an acute condition. Acute conditions can be considered any problem that exists less than three months. If the condition exists more than three months, it is called a chronic condition.

It has been shown, through research, that a misalignment or improperly moving vertebrae of the spine can cause irritation to the spinal joints and nerves and cause back discomfort. If a person has an initial episode of acute back pain, symptoms may resolve within a short time, but the underlying structural alignment or movement abnormality still exists. Many people have several or more of these acute episodes. Multiple acute back discomfort episodes, without correction of the underlying abnormality, can lead to a person having chronic back problems. These chronic back aches can become constant, a source of ongoing pain and affect one's activities of daily living.

Chronic back discomfort is epidemic in the United States. Because of this much study has gone into what treatment gives the best results for the least cost. Numerous studies show that chiropractic care addresses the specific cause of most cases of low back pain. Chiropractic treatment involves the use of manipulation to correct misaligned and improperly moving spinal vertebrae. This type of care has been shown to be more effective than others for back conditions. Surgery, medications, exercise and other forms of treatment do not have the effectiveness and benefits for back problems that chiropractic care provides.

A recent research study, published in the Journal of Chiropractic Humanities, December 2019, set out to critically evaluate the benefits of adding chiropractic care under Missouri Medicaid. Based on computations investigators determined that there would be a cost-saving to the state of Missouri of between $14.1 and $49.2 million per year once chiropractic care is included under Medicaid. More specifically, the study found that chiropractic care provides better outcomes at lower cost, leads to a reduction in cost of spinal surgery and leads to cost savings from reduced use and abuse of opioid prescriptions.

Over the past several decades there have been numerous other studies showing that chiropractic care provides pain relief for spinal conditions of the neck, mid back, low back and headaches. It is wise for policymakers to include chiropractic care under insurance plans for pain relief of the spine.

See this site for information about a pain relief chiropractor near me. Visit here to learn more about a McKnight Road chiropractor near me.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/James_Schofield/710071


Back Pain - The True Cause

Every day that I go to my office, 50% of the clients I see are suffering from back pain. I had a client in so much pain, he could not sit in a chair, lie face down or face up. He was on the floor on his knees with his head in the chair when I walked out into the waiting area. In 1 week I helped reduce his pain by 50% and in 3 weeks he was back to work pain-free. This man had tried everything for years. This was not a fluke as I see this every week in my office. It is not a miracle either, just an understanding about why our backs hurt. Somehow the medical establishment missed this in their training.

First off, I am not a doctor nor pretending to be one. I am a massage therapist that has gone beyond just giving massages. I have been fascinated with the muscles of the human body and how they play a role in how we feel. There has been way too much attention paid to strength training our muscles. In every peer-reviewed journal, there are hundreds to thousands of studies on strengthening our muscles. There has been very little research on why we need to stretch and what is the best way. This is mostly why we cannot figure out back pain, once and for all, until now.

There are three areas of our body that can cause back pain. To figure out which one is not hard. If your back hurts when you stand up after sitting or lying for a while, or after standing for a period of time, or after bending over to pick up something, chances are the cause is on the front side of your body. More specifically, the front of your thighs if the pain is to either side of the low back. If the pain is in the middle, chances are the inner thighs are causing the pain.On the other hand, if your back hurts after sitting for a while, that usually means the hamstrings are tight.

As you can see, I said nothing about the back. These three sets of muscles can actually tilt the pelvis forward or backwards placing tremendous pressure on the lower spine. This can lead to bulging discs, herniated discs, or pinched nerves later on if left untreated. Let's not wait for that to happen.

If you work out at the gym and talk to a trainer about these areas, they will show stretches that don't really work. The quad stretch where you stand and pull your heel up to your hip is really more for the knee at best. You may feel a pull in your quads but that is only because they are tight and any tight bending of the knee will cause that. Squatting will do the same. Once the quads get tight enough, the knee cannot bend as far. In the resource box below I will add the link to some of my videos.

The second mistake in back stretches is trying to stretch your back by leaning forward. It does feel good in the moment, but since you are not stretching the front thighs, it won't last long.

Inner thigh stretches where you sit on the floor, place the soles of the feet together, then press the knees down will not work either. If you are already flexible this is great, if not, you may injure yourself.

Touching your toes by standing and bending forward thinking that will stretch your hamstrings or back is mistake also. First, you have three hamstrings so you are only stretching one at best. Second, if the cause is on the front side this will not help. I worked with a woman who was an avid yoga person. She had back pain and went to her doctor. When she showed him she could bend forward and place the palms of her hands on the floor, he said, "Yeah, you are flexible, that is not the problem." When I asked her about bending backwards to stretch the front thighs, she said she never did that as it was too hard. I showed her how to stretch them and in 2 weeks she was pain-free and still is after 5 years.

The biggest mistake people make stretching, or teaching stretching, is not including the brain. Your brain will not let you do something if it thinks you will hurt yourself. If the brain does not believe you can do it, you will not. Stretching is about showing the brain the movement is possible. When people try to force a stretch or hold beyond 5 seconds when in pain, the brain will contract the opposing muscles to stop the pain. this can cause cramps. It will take a different mindset to learn how to stretch correctly.

The key is to be able to unlearn everything we were taught about stretching and re-learn a new way that is much more beneficial for your body. If you can do that, you will find that the older you get, the less pain you will endure. I have virtually no pain daily at 60, however at 40, I was in so much pain it led me to create this technique.

Butch Phelps has a B.S. in Aging Sciences, a licensed massage therapist, and an Active Isolated Stretching therapist. Butch has studied the human body for many years, looking at why aches and pains happen, then how to prevent them. Butch believes that most of our aches and pains throughout our body is a result of tight muscles pinching nerves and joints being pulled closer together. Butch loves to teach people how to relieve themselves of their daily pain in hopes it will reduce the healthcare costs in America and improve their quality of life. Butch can be contacted at https://www.musclerepairshop.com. For videos of this type of stretching go to https://www.youtube.com/musclerepairshop

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Butch_Phelps/476308


How to Make Excising Fun For Kids

Obesity is a growing problem throughout the globe and both young and adults are equally affected. The reason behind the issue is increasing love for the digital world and ignoring the importance of outdoor play. It sure is difficult to get kids moving at such times when they are glue-stick to screens, but believe it or not, it is worth trying. Not only you can let them move, you can also make exercising fun for them in the following ways.


Yoga is one of the best ways to curb obesity and keep your kids healthy and active. You don't need any fancy commercial playground equipment as you just need a little space and a mat and you are good to go. You must know how to perform yoga and how it enhances flexibility, develops coordination, and improves strength. Let me tell you how you can make it fun!

Let kids mimic animal poses while doing yoga such as a cow, lion, or cat. If that seems hard, you can try making yoga a story. For instance, you would talk about trees in the story and your kids perform tree pose or you tell about a snake and they act like a cobra. They can even move out of their mats for some seconds and make interesting sounds.

Indoor and Outdoor Activities

You can perform indoor and outdoor obstacle courses with them. There are times when you just can't let your kids go outside whether it's due to unfavorable weather or exams around. Indoors, you can try a pillow, lining up a jumping rope, cans or bottles, or a hula hoop. Arrange several pillows vertically and ask your kids to jump it 10 times. You can try similar activities with jumping ropes and other items I mentioned.

Now, let's talk about outdoor obstacle courses! When you take your kid to a playground, set some challenges for him such as taking swing ten times, run and cover the entire jungle gym, climb the ladder or a climbing wall. Ask him to take all these challenges at once and get back to you. Furthermore, you can make obstacle courses on your own such as tying a rope somewhere or using bases of skates.

If you are unable to try any one of these, then try using adult exercises and make yourself an obstacle course. Sounds strange? Well, you can try doing push-ups yourself and ask your kid to jump over you when you are up. This isn't only safe, but a hell of a fun as well!


Kids crave for parents' attention and take more interest in adult things. Rather than leaving them alone to play, it would be the best if you join them. You can do simple things such as taking a ride with them, playing their favorite music and dance around or play catching balls. What is more, you can also look for age specifications in your gym and take your kids to group classes with you.

Creative Systems Inc. has been in the business of installing recreational equipment since 1972. The 45 years' experience has put us in the most viable position to manufacture the best Commercial Playground Equipment and designing the best outdoor playground equipment in the world. We pride ourselves on having thousands of satisfied customers from all over the globe.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jason_Fernandez_Walter/1935471


Swim Spa Workout: Top 4 Ways to Train in the Water

A swim spa is ideal for swimming but did you know that it is an ultimate training machine? Here are the top 4 ways to train and condition in a swim spa.


The best upper and lower body workouts include resistance training. But there are only so many hours in a day and only so much time to spend in the gym. A home swim spa can make all the difference if you want to achieve a well-rounded training program. Just hop in the water any time of the day to accomplish your weight training goals with water power.

Swim spas with a powerful current can give you the same results as working out with weights - a lower current equals less weight or crank up the speed for intense resistance. The benefit of training in water is that it supports muscles during exercise and diminishes joint stress. That means using water instead of weights will keep you at peak performance levels without risking injury or putting excess pressure on your joints. A win-win all around. Plus, if you're healing from an injury, you can still workout in water (with your doctor's approval) and stay conditioned while you heal. That's what elite athletes do to stay game-ready as they recover.


Everyone wants a toned mid-section but tight abs take work. Hard core ab exercises can be achieved by working out against a swim spa current. Look for a swim spa where the current spans the full width of the pool. Then hold onto the side, ramp up the water power and do crunches or pikes against the current. Another option is to use a medicine ball or kickboard for added resistance against the power of the water. With these exercises, you will target your core and round out your exercise and strength training regimen.


The advantage of running in the water is that you fire up the same muscles you would use on land, but the weightless quality of water eliminates gravity-induced pounding on joints. The intensity of running in the water increases exponentially the faster you go. In other words, the harder you work, the greater the resistance, and the better the results! You will achieve the same cardio workout as you would on land with better outcomes. Looking for the different ways to run in the water.


Every week there seems to be another fitness craze. But one exercise that never goes out of style is swimming. Whether you are a recreational swimmer, elite athlete, or triathlon competitor, you can swim your way to peak performance levels. There are so many great benefits you get from swimming. It is a low impact exercise yet it builds endurance, muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness, and can help reduce stress. Some studies have shown that it can help lower blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and control blood sugar levels. Swimming in a swim spa adds extra benefits. You can program a customized swimming experience to suit individual preferences, monitor your progress, and swim whenever you like in the comfort of your own home.

Water workouts add a powerful dimension to any exercise plan. With these four simple training techniques, you'll crush your fitness goals.

Now think about how much easier it would be if you owned your own swim spa. A home fitness pool can be installed outside, inside, in a basement, on a deck, or many other locations to create the perfect home gym. Once it's up and running, you can exercise for as long as you'd like whenever you want.

Looking for the best ways to run in the water. Here are additional ways to run in the water for exercise. http://www.swimex.com/professional/blog/water-running-underwater-treadmill/

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Deborah_Cox/2454198


Sporting Goods - Finding the Correct Tennis Racket for You

Is bigger always better?

As a beginner, the head size of your racket shall initially help you start, this shall help you achieve more success in your game. As a result you shall be able to get more balls into the court, helping you achieve faster improvement when playing. The larger the racket, the larger surface area, also known as a sweet spot, you will be able to use when playing. As a beginning, you will be still learning how to play properly, and therefore this will enable you to develop your technique. Regardless of your stroke and timing, a larger racket will help you hit the ball.

How heavy is too heavy?

The second factor which needs to be taken into consideration when you are choosing a racket is the weight of it. The ideal weight for a beginner taking up tennis is one which I light. This will allow you to swing the racket easier, and allow you to play for a longer duration before getting tired. As your muscles are still developing, the heavier rackets will be harder to swing. A racket should feel light-weight and be easy for you as the user to swing. However, requesting assistance when choosing your racket is a good idea, as if the racket is too light it may make you develop a poor technique, such as flicking your wrist.

How the way you grip your racket will determine your choice

The final facture when choosing a tennis racket as a beginner, is picking the correct grip size. If your grip size is too small, then you will end up holding the handle too tightly. This may result in accelerated tiredness or worse, injury. On the other hand, if you choose a grip size which is too large, then you will find it harder to use your wrist correctly, and as a result may change the way in which you grasp the racket. A good grip is one which involves you to be able to hold the racket comfortably, while allowing a wide range of movement and motion when using your wrist and forearm.

The best way of determining your correct grip size is to hold a racket in your normal forearm grip. When you are holding it, you should be able to squeeze a fingers width between your finger tips and your palm. Once you have grasped your playing technique, there are a few other variables which can be taken into consideration that if you hit a lot using a topspin then you should choose a smaller size grip. Alternatively, if you choose to play and hit flat a bigger grip should be considered. Another method that can be used to determine the correct grip size is to measure your ring finger from the tip to an inch below your finger; this should give you the correct grip size.

Other things to think about...

A lot of tennis rackets are sold pre-strung. The strings on a tennis racket are often dependent on the quality of its frame. The tighter the strings are strung, the more control the user has when hitting the ball, while the looser the strings allow for more force and power behind the swing. Therefore when changing these characteristics, you shall be able to alter the manner of which your racket performs.

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When you are choosing your new tennis racket, it is also advised that you pick one made of graphite or aluminium, as these are lighter materials for a beginner. With a large variety of tennis rackets on the market, make sure you choose your preferred brand and colour, although these are of course personal preference and dependent in your style, and take on an aesthetical aspect. They shall not have any bearing on your performance and game.

If you're starting to learn how to play tennis as a beginner and you need the perfect tennis racket, then visit Keep Fit Sporting Goods for a large range of tennis equipment and other sporting goods.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jenni_Withnall/2740463


Top Best Exercises for Snowboarding To Do At Home

Snowboarding is basically a form of exercise which is requiring your mental stress and physical body stability at a high level. If you are probably taking this sport to be one of the easiest sports in the world then you need to think about this fact all over again. It would definitely be requiring so much training in which you need to balance your body muscles as well as near-constant attention as well. If you feel that your muscles and body are not balanced and stiff for snowboarding then it is better to perform some important and best exercises at home.

Right here we are discussing some of the major and healthy exercises which you can perform at home for snowboarding activities:


You might have performed lunges at some point in your life. For some of the people, it is quite painful because it is requiring putting some great pressure on the knees area. But once you will get used to it, you would not be finding any sort of pain or pressure on the knees at any hour of the day. You should try this exercise right now! This is so helpful for your body!

It is quite easy to perform. You just need to make yourself stand in a straight position and step ahead forward. Now as you have stepped ahead, you have lower down the back knee by making it touch the ground and stretch yourself. You will definitely be feeling some kind of strain in your body thighs a lot.


This has been another most important and best exercise which is required for the body stretching and flexibility. It will not just be shaping the thigh areas but at the same time, it will be strengthening the areas of your hips and quads too.

You have to make yourself sit all against the wall side and feel as if you are sitting on some chair. Give your body a 90-degree angle and keep yourself in this position for at least one minute. This will be helpful for you to give your legs the necessary strength.

Push ups and Sit ups

This has been one of the most common exercises which you can perform at home. This exercise is a lot helpful for you to build a strong abdominal system for your body. Here we would like to mention that while performing the push ups and setups you should not be bending your body, in case if you are a beginner. It can be painful for you in the beginning, but once you get used to it, you will definitely be finding it easy to perform on a daily basis.

So this was the end of the discussion about some of the common and best exercises which you can perform at home for snowboarding. All the exercises are best to add up your body with suitable strength and power for performing this sports activity successfully.

Without wasting any time, set a daily schedule and start performing these exercises right now!

Cheryl Simpson has always been interested in using balance boards for fitness workouts. She currently helps run a website where they sell roller balance boards and other styles. Shop their selection today at http://www.balanceboardspro.com

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Rohny_Jones/2154469


Argan Oil Suppliers

Exploring the Suitable Benefits and Uses of Argan Oil

Argan oil carries a golden brown color and thus you can get a better feel knowing that it takes good care of your health. It has the origin in Morocco and you can explore the amazing aroma that takes you to a different World. It's also recognized as liquid gold because of the benefits that help you to get familiar with all positive aspects. The argan oil comes from argan fruit, which first gets dried in open air and then processed ensuring that you get the best quality of oil. Argan oil suppliers come out with all genuine stuffs and thus you can get rid of all worries knowing that you have the best options. Then the kernels are roasted, grinded and are pressed lightly extracting pure argan oil.

Main Ingredients

The main ingredients of This oil are like:

• Caffeic acid

• Vanillic acid

• Oleuropein

• Catchol

So, you can now feel confident knowing that it's completely safe to use and thus you can comprehend the importance of argan oil suppliers.

Uses of This Oil

Here are mentioned the important uses of this oil helping you to explore a better health:

• It helps in healing certain skin diseases ensuring that you lead a better standard of living.

• It's used a good hair conditioner that makes your hair smooth and shiner that helps you to get that soft hair.

• If you are suffering from brittle nails you can use this oil to soften the tips and thus you can now grow your nails confidently.

• It has good anti-aging properties that help in reducing wrinkles helping your skin you to get that younger look.

• It naturally boosts your skin and thus you can explore the real benefits of this oil making you feel happier in real time.

• Because of its high vitamin E & Fatty acid property, the product is given natural boost to skin.

• It's a complete package of all your skin care problems.

• Because of its anti-aging property, help to reduce Wrinkles and make you look younger.

Overall, you get a clear view of all the effective features that give you the opportunity to bring in the true happiness in life. In this way, you can give life a new start finding the suitable effects of the oil that bring in a big smile on your face. And the argan oil suppliers play an important role here helping you to get the authenticated product.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ashish_Kr_Srivastava/2534912


5 Actionable Tips To Buy Commercial Gym Equipment That Lasts Long

Before buying gym equipment that is durable and gives good value for money. There are various factors that you must consider before making the purchase. Your aim must be to acquire the best possible fitness gear in your budget. Here are a few ideas that will help you in buying good-quality machines.

1.Identify The Machines That You Need: Start by making a list of the machines that you need. Exercise bikes, treadmills, and training benches are some of the usual equipment that you will have to buy. You will also require barbells, dumbbells, and fitness balls. But the makeup of your clientele will also dictate some of your purchases. For instance, if most of your patrons are going to be ladies, then you will need commercial equipment such as glute machines and water rowers.

2.Plan Your Space And Budget Accordingly: Once you have made your list of the gym equipment to buy, you must plan your space and budget. You must ensure that the machines will fit into the available space. Budget is another important aspect to consider before buying the gear. Determine the maximum amount of money that you will be ready to spend. Remember that fitness machines are at the core of your business. Durable equipment will provide a better return on investment and also ensure a good user experience.

3.Consider Reputed Fitness Equipment Brands: You must buy commercial gym equipment offered by reputed brands. Gym goers want to assure themselves about the standards of machines at a facility. Most people check out the center or avail free trial offers before buying a gym membership. Investing in fitness machines manufactured by top brands will help in impressing potential clients. It will also enhance the reputation of your enterprise.

4.Check The Quality Of The Products Before Buying: It is important to assess the quality of the machines that you are buying. The equipment must be sturdy enough to sustain extensive use. Check buttons and keys to ensure that they can withstand repeated presses. Make sure that the outer body and movable parts of the equipment are durable. It will be pertinent to take along an experienced colleague to assess the quality of gym equipment meant for commercial use.

5.Find Out About The Warranty And Maintenance Policy: Maintenance is a critical factor when buying fitness machines. Your equipment will suffer wear and tear from sustained regular use. It will be wise to choose a service provider who offers efficient maintenance services. Find out if the brand that you have chosen, offers trained service technicians and good quality replacement parts or not.

Wrapping Up

Buying commercial equipment for your gym requires significant investments. It is important to efficiently plan the venture so that you get the best machines for your facility. Use the ideas discussed here to buy the best items in your budget and give a solid start to your new venture.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mike_Greaves/83918


Exercise Tracking Devices: A Lifelong Exerciser Gives One a Try and Comes Away Impressed


There are three kinds of adopters to modern exercise gadgets--early adopters, non-adopters and slacker adopters. One of the most popular exercise gadgets during my long lifetime, besides the 50's rollerskates that tightened with a key, first appeared around 2007. That would be the Fitbit. This device is a big hit--the company has sold over 100 million devices to more than 28 million people. I was a non-adopter, until very recently. I was all for anything that got people moving, but I personally didn't recognize the value of a device for motivating or tracking activity. Being into exercise, fitness and varied endurance forms of athletic competitions, I poo pooed, scoffed at and dismissed tracking movements as a distraction and a nuisance. I exercised almost daily for eight-plus decades and can't recall wishing I had an activity tracker.


However, after discovering that my health insurance company would provide a $160 tracking device for free, I decided to give the contraption a go.

Voila! After one day or two wearing this attractive, comfortable and impressive handy dandy Fitbit Versa Lite marvel of modern technology, I became a slacker adopter no more.

A Fitbit is one of many step-tracker products, usually worn on the wrist like a watch. If you are anywhere near my age cohort, the device might initially remind you of the Dick Tracy 2-way wrist radio. If so, forgetaboutit! We've come a long way from Dick Tracy's whiz bang comic book tool. That 1931 watch is a Bronze Age predecessor compared with the artificially intelligent/space age/ Large Hadron Collider (LHC)-worthy Fitbit.

Not everyone, however, benefits from more exercise. In fact, high test Superperson-like athletes who engage in wondrous feats of endurance might benefit from an anti-step, reverse Fitbit device that motivates, tracks and rewards non-exercise! This would be useful during periods wherein athletes benefit from not taking unnecessary steps, or even standing up when they could be lying down, restoring their exhausted bodies for the grueling ordeal of competition of each new day's demands.


This applies to riders in the three week Tour de France. According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, walking or otherwise being up and about when not cycling is practically heresy for Tour riders. They need rest between stages. These endurance wunderkinder endure 21 brutal stages over the course of 2,164 miles, including mountain climbs. They fixate on conserving energy when not on their bikes; they don't come close to 10,000 steps in total over the course of the entire race. (Source: Joshua Robinson, How to Exhaust a Tour de France Racer: Ask Him to Take a Walk, Wall Street Journal, September 17, 2020.)

In one of his many wins (all forfeited for cheating), Lance Armstrong rode 2,232 miles over the course of the Tour in 86 hours, 15 minutes and 02 seconds-clocking an average speed of 25.9 mph. Can you imagine the atta-boy congratulatory badges a Fitbit would have lavished upon him for a feat like that? Alas, he missed out, due to the near-certainty that Tour riders and other professional athletes have other, more consequential metrics to deal with, like hits, goals, touchdowns, times, points and soon. We ordinary mortals, however, can amuse and motivate ourselves with the pursuit of 10,000 steps a day (the gold standard for Fitbit users), heart rates, calories burned, floors climbed, zones traversed and so on.


I have always exercised regularly, as noted already, but tracking activity is a new experience. It's motivating to have a convenient read out of such data as number of steps taken, maximum and average heart rates, calories burned, distance traveled, stairs climbed, and much more. It also gives details, when set to do so, for specific activities, such as swim, bike, run, walk, treadmill, weights, golf, tennis, yoga, etc. It even sends varied badges when you reach certain levels, such as 10 thousand steps in a day (I have not got fewer yet). Just yesterday I received the prized Redwood Forest Badge, proudly displayed at the top of this RWR. It came in an E-mail from Fitbit, with this high encomium accompaning the badge:

Way to go! You've climbed 25 floors. The tallest trees on Earth can't top the heights you've been conquering. It's no wonder you just earned the Redwood Forest badge!

One activity it does NOT track, which I've included in my daily routine these last six months for strength training (due to closure of fitness centers), is pushups. I do 200 six days of the week, 50 at a time during four stops on a one mile hike; on the seventh day, instead of resting, blessing and sanctifying the Earth, as God did after creating it, I settle for walking four miles and doing 500 pushups, 50 at each of ten stops.

Actually, my Fitbit probably can track pushups, too--there's more to learn, as the device has almost as many features as an Apple watch. Besides time, day of the week and date, it has a timer, an alarm, weather, music, a wallet, a relaxation/breathing function, Alexa, a find-phone mechanism--oh hell, it nevers seems to end--there's probably a get rich quick button somewhere.


I shared a copy of this essay with a colleague in Perth, Australia. I found his assessment most entertaining:

I smiled reading of your conversion to Fitbit promoter. God will be encouraged to see that you are so easily swayed by some nifty technology. Look out in the mail for the next wrist gadget that counts your Our fathers and Amens before rewarding you with Way to go, you have reached the first step on the stairway to heaven. I have heard (similar to Trump's they say) it is common for people to convert as time runs out. I have even heard of people converting to spa treatments.

This led me to think of that perhaps Fitbit enthusiasts should heed the words of Lord Chesterfield: 'Wear your learning, like your watch, in a private pocket, and do not pull it out and strike it merely to show you have one. If you are asked what o'clock it is, tell it, but do not proclaim it hourly and unasked, like the watchman.' Lord Chesterfield, statesman and writer (22 Sep 1694-1773)

In other words, the good Lord (Chesterfield, that is) was urging wellness newsletter writers to spare us unsolicited details about their step counts, heart rates, calories burned, stairs climbed, cardiac minutia and other insufferable details. Point taken.

So, whether you are a hard-core fitness buff or a soft-core non-exerciser, consider a tracking device. It's inexpensive (and might be free if you have a good health insurance plan), versatile and might lead to more daily movement which, if you're not a professional athlete, may be a very good thing.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Donald_Ardell/893159




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